Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tired of all the scratching & itching? Relief is here to stay! If you are looking for an alternative to expensive prescription drugs then you have come to the right place. Discover what The Eczema Natural Skin Care Relief Center can do for you.

The Eczema Natural Homeopathic Skin Care Relief Center was created to provide you with information, cure alternatives, natural formulas, and advice to help you understand and cope with and/or heal your eczema.

The combination our of Eczema All Natural Herbal Formulas and our special All Natural Homeopathic Herbal Salads will help you all but eliminate many of your physician and medical bills. This is an unbeatable combination for those of you who prefer home remedies to help cure your eczema troubled skin. Keep in mind that all of the information provided is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the counsel of your physician with health related problems or questions pertaining to your skin problems and eczema.

Speaking in general terms the word “Eczema” can also mean a family of skin conditions that causes the skin to become swollen, irritated, itchy and discolored. Many skin conditions are considered a type of eczema such as Atopic dermatitis, Hand dermatitis, Nummular dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis. Other types of eczema would be diaper rash and the rash that many people get after coming into contact with poison ivy for instance.

Nummular eczematous dermatitis is a name given to a very stubborn, itchy rash that forms coin-shaped patches on the skin. This is a chronic skin condition with periods where sometimes it get’s better and then worse. The cause is basically unknown. Occasionally it might turn out to be an allergy and it’s more common in winter than in summer and is frequently associated with dry skin. People with eczema often have dry skin which is easily irritated by soap, detergents, and rough clothing and it affects people of all color and races causing pain suffering and embarrassment for many people sometimes starting in infancy.

Unfortunately, there is no cure. However, there are effective ways of controlling it. First of all if you have not yet done so, consult your Physician, there are some very strong drugs on the market that use cortisone ointments to help control the this problem and if you don’t know what you are doing, you could make the matter worse. In general, keep the skin lubricated. Apply oil such as Neutrogena body oil or Alpha-Keri oil to the skin at the end of each shower. Vaseline is even more helpful if it is not too greasy for you.

What Causes Eczema?

The causes of many types of eczema are quite apparent. One type of eczema, develops after frequent exposure to a mild irritant such as detergent or brief exposure to a strong irritant such as battery acid. Another type of allergic contact dermatitis develops when an allergen touches the skin and the person develops an allergic reaction.

Common allergens include poison ivy and nickel. Many everyday and common objects contain nickel, which includes coins, bracelets, eyeglass frames and buttons. Believe it or not a nickel allergy is actually one of the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis. Researchers believe that atopic dermatitis develops when many factors are combined which include certain genes you inherit, overactive immune system and what dermatologists call a “barrier defect” which are “gaps in the skin” where water is lost too quickly.

If you are seriously considering making your own cosmetic masks and facials here are a few things which you should know about other properties contained in various herbal plants. Some terms which you might familiarize yourself with are located here that are used in this manual. Most herbs can be used internally as well as externally, that is why I have included in my explanation terms to give you an idea of the other effects they have.

All of these plant remedies represent the most continuous and universal form of treatment. Whatever else that men has done to themselves and each other in the name of medicine at various times, plants were the basic source of therapy produced for professional and non professional medicine.

So what is a HERB? A herb is a non wooded plant that dies down to the ground after flowering, but the term herb is often applied more generally to any plant part or all of which has been used for such purposes as medical treatments, nutritional value food seasoning or coloring or dying of other substances.

  Gathering And Keeping Herbs

I’m sure that you have heard it said that nature has a remedy for every illness and disease. That my be true but getting to the remedy is another matter. Legally you have basically three possibilities: collect wild herbs, grow them yourself or buy them. Each having advantages and disadvantages.

Probably the cheapest way to get your remedies is to collect them yourself, but involves considerable effort. In the US and other countries many herbs grow on public lands and they are protected by law, so in order to harvest these plants you should get the permission of the land owner, but some plants that you might be seeking will probably be rare or non existent in your area.

If you are considering collecting plants yourself, pick a warm dry, sunny day-best would be to go out 2 or 3 days after a good rainfall has washed the pesticides of the plants. Pick your plants in the morning time, but after the dew has dried. Choose only healthy plants-root and bark are best for gathering in the spring or fall i.e. before or after flowering.

If you gather wild plants for remedies, make sure that you properly IDENTIFY the plant. This is essential because it is sometimes difficult to tell one plant from the other especially poisonous plants. Learn how to positively identify the plants that you will be seeking, if you don’t have a guide try to find a herbarium with actual specimens at a museum or university or study as many plant identification books as you can. Never use any plant that you have NOT positively identified. For more information please visit the Relief Center.

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